Mental Health Exists on a Spectrum

... and we believe the yoga community can be a part of the solution for mental health issues in Canada and around the globe. We firmly believe in the research that suggests a correlation between an increased sense of wellbeing and a regular yoga practice. Our goal is to help those experiencing mood disorders discover this shift for themselves by offering regular yoga classes through our partnering studios at no cost to the participant.

It has been shown that yoga can treat problems associated with feeling alone, abandoned and cast out of society by enabling participants to rebuild a sense of caring, tolerance and interdependent communities in which they are accepted and valued.


What We Do

Intellectually supported by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and empowered by generous donations and long-term financial partners, Blu Matter Project is an innovative not-for-profit organization that provides qualified applicants with the opportunity to discover the benefits of yoga without the financial burden.

At a time when we are witnessing various cuts to public mental health care, Blu Matter Project is stepping in to help support this gap. Our program facilitates real change by encouraging individuals to find a sense of balance through their yoga practice.

Where did the name “Blu Matter Project” come from?

At BMP, we believe in a science-based approach to wellness; “blu matter” refers to the brain and its ability to change; the reference to “blue” also refers to depression and feeling down. We chose the word “project” to refer to the fact that we’re all working on ourselves constantly, just like a project that is never complete – and the conversation around mental health will also take hard work and focus like any other project.

Why We Do It

As you take the time to learn more about Blu Matter Project, someone you know who lives with a mood disorder may have come into your mind: a son, a sister, a mother, an uncle or a friend. In different ways, we are all affected by mental health issues. 

Studies indicate that the rate of anxiety and depressive disorders over the last 30 years has doubled, especially for children and young adults. Currently, one in five young people are living with a mental health issue that causes them significant distress. Depressive disorders are predicted to rise by 50% globally in children and youth by 2020. If this occurs, mental health issues will become one of the five most common causes of mortality, morbidity, and disability amongst youth.

Evidence suggests that there is a strong physical and mental correlation between a regular yoga practice and an increased sense of mental health.

By facilitating the development of a regular yoga practice in the lives of our recipients, Blu Matter Project provides a direct action framework that speaks back to these shocking statistics.

Blu Matter Project is dedicated to raising awareness about the stigma of mental health issues by providing our recipients with the opportunity to find a sense of balance in their practice of yoga without judgment.

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